Legal notice

IRF Interessengemeinschaft Radio und Fernsehen

Rämistrasse 5 | 8024 Zürich | P. O. Box |

Tel. +41 43 244 84 80 | Fax +41 43 244 84 81 | office[at]


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The IRF Interessengemeinschaft Radio und Fernsehen owns and operates this website. Any names, titles, logos, images, designs, texts and other materials belong to the IRF Interessen­gemeinschaft Radio und Fernsehen. By accessing, downloading or copying pages from this website, you do not acquire any rights (exploitation, intellectual property rights etc.). The (complete or partial) reproduction, transmission (electronic or by other means), modification or use of this website for public or commercial purposes is prohibited without prior written authorisation.



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Data protection

It is paramount that we enjoy the trust of our members. The IRF Interessen­gemeinschaft Radio und Fernsehen commits to look after the security and confidentiality of your personal data.